Senior Specially Appointed Professor

Master of Commerce (Keio University)

AKINO ShojiSenior Specially Appointed Professor

Master of Commerce (Keio University)

Currently, I am doing a research on the manufacturing world of many companies that are difficult to see, such as how the products around you are made. Specifically, taking Apple Inc., one of GAFA, as an example, I am elucidating the actual status of how many companies around the world cooperate to create one product. In addition to lectures on basic knowledge, I hope to provide students with learning opportunities that can only be obtained at university.

Specialized field

Industrial Management, Business Management theory, Strategic Management

Current Position

Department of Business
Graduate School of Business Design Department of Business Design Master's Program
Graduate School of Business Design Department of Business Design Doctoral Program

Educational background

Keio University Faculty of Commerce
Keio University Graduate School of Commerce Master's Program Business Administration Accounting Major
Keio University Graduate School of Commerce Doctoral Program Business Administration Accounting

Major Research Achievements

Shoji Akino, Nobuhiko Yamanaka, Wataru Kikuchi, Masahiro Huang "Global Value Chain Governance and Power Asymmetry between Lead Firms and Suppliers: Case of Apple’s Global Value Chain and the State of Its Governance" "International Journal of Business and Management" 16(9) 58 -- 70 September 2021 Peer-reviewed.
Shoji Akino, Nobuhiko Yamanaka, Wataru Kikuchi, Masahiro Huang "Research on the actual status of the global value chain at Apple Inc.-Focusing on value analysis-" "Journal of industrial management research" 34 (1) 30 --45 March 2020 Peer-reviewed.
Shoji Akino, et al. edit. “Management of Globalization and Innovation - Coordination by Opened Market and Business Organization”
Shoji Akino "Growth and Modern Enterprises of Apple Computer (1)(2)" "Rikkyo Business Review" (10) 59 --78 September 2017, (14) 43--66 September 2021
Shoji Akino "Growth at Apple Computer" "Transformation of Process and Business Structure" "Journal of industrial management research" 30 (1) 73 --84 March 2016 Inspected

Award Funding

"Theoretical and empirical research on the governance and coordination of inter-firm networks in GVCs" Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Scientific Research Grant (Basic Research B) 2022 -24th year Shoji Akino (Principal Investigator)
"Study on the theories and the actual conditions in Governance of GVC" Rikkyo University Special Priority Fund for Academic Promotion (Rikkyo SFR Joint Research) 2021 Shoji Akino (Research Leader)
"Study on growth patterns and market adjustments in modern enterprise platform strategies" Rikkyo University Special Priority Fund for Academic Promotion (Rikkyo SFR Joint Research) 2018-19 Shoji Akino (Research Leader)
"Sustainable Growth through Scale and Innovation" Research on new production system "Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Scientific Research Grant (Fundamental Research C) 2014-16 Shoji Akino (Research Leader)
" Development of Asian Electronics Industry-Research on Division of Labor Structure in Production System "Rikkyo Special Priority Fund for University Academic Promotion (Rikkyo SFR Individual Research) 2010 Shoji Akino (Research Leader)
"Research on the Formation and Evolution of Global Innovation Network" Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Scientific Research Grant (Basic Research B) 2006 -8th year Shoji Akino (Principal Investigator)
"Comprehensive research on the actual conditions and organization principles of non-integrated business models" Scientific Research Grant (Fundamental Research C) 1997-99 Shoji Akino (Principal Investigator)

Professional Activities

October 2021 --Present Vice President, Director / Editor of Editorial Committee of Association for the Study of Industrial Management
October 2018 --Present Editorial Committee of Association for the Study of Industrial Management
October 2018 --Present Asian Business Association Councilor
October 2019 --September 2021 Asian Business Association Homepage Editor
October 2015 --September 2018 Director of Asian Business Association
2014 October --September 2017 Director / Editor of Editorial Committee of Association for the Study of Industrial Management
October 2012 --September 2015 Permanent Director of the Asian Management Society
October 2011 --September 2014 Director / Editor of Editorial Committee of Association for the Study of Industrial Management
2008 10 Mon-October 2012 Editorial Committee Member, Japan Business Association


"Management of Globalization and Innovation Coordination by Open Markets and Corporate Organizations" Shoji Akino, Tomokazu Seki, Yoshikazu Sakamoto, Nobuhiko Yamanaka (Part: Co-editor (Co-editor), Scope: Preface, Chapter 6 (Co-author)) , Chapter 10, Chapter 15) Tax Accounting Association October 20, 2018 (ISBN: 9784419065621)

"Japanese Manufacturing and Business Studies-Considerations from the Field" Yoshiji Suzuki, Kimito Nasuno (Part-time writing: Modern Social Division of Labor and EMS) Minerva Shobo April 2009 (ISBN: 9784623054084)

"Industries and Companies in the Ubiquitous Era" Teruyuki Inoue, Takabumi Hayashi, Akira Watanabe (Part-time writing: Modern production system IC tag-focusing on the personal computer industry) Tax Accounting Association March 2007 (ISBN: 9784419048556)