Assistant Professor

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil), Education, University of Oxford Master of Science (MSc), Comparative and International Education, University of Oxford, Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons), English Literature, Lancaster University

BROTHERHOOD Thomas DavidAssistant Professor

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil), Education, University of Oxford Master of Science (MSc), Comparative and International Education, University of Oxford, Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons), English Literature, Lancaster University

My name is Thomas Brotherhood, Assistant Professor in the College of Business. I was born in the United Kingdom and have worked in education in several national contexts. I joined the College of Business upon completing my doctorate at the University of Oxford, where I researched international student migration in the UK and Japan. I am very excited to be a part of the BBL program.

Specialized field

Higher education studies, comparative and international education, migration studies

Current Position

Department of Global Business

Educational background

University of Oxford, Department of Education
Hiroshima University, Research Institute for Higher Education
Lancaster University

Major Research Achievements

Brotherhood, T., Hammond, C.D. & Kim, Y. “Towards an actor-centered typology of internationalization: A study of junior international faculty in Japanese universities”, Higher Education, vol.79, pp. 497-514, (2020).
Brotherhood, T. (2023). Consolidating regulatory and personal accounts of student migration: a mixed methods study in the UK and Japan, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 21:1, 33-54
Lili Yang, Thomas Brotherhood & Maia Chankseliani (2022) A crisis of opportunity at English universities: Rethinking higher education through the common good idea, Educational Review, 74:3, 591-608, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2021.1965961
Brotherhood, T. “A narrative exploration of agency in the education-migration nexus: The case for international student-migrants in Japan”, In Xu, X. & Marginson, S. (eds.), Internationalisation of Higher Education in East Asia, London: Bloomsbury, (2022)
Brotherhood, T. (2022). “International faculty mobility”, In Snowden, P. (ed.), Handbook on Higher Education in Japan. MHM: Tokyo.

Award Funding

ESRC Doctoral Studentship, 2016-2020
JSPS Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2018-2019
JSPS Research Grant, young researchers fund, 2022-2026
JSPS Research Grant, basic research (B), co-investigator
Project based research funding (start-up fund), co-investigator

Professional Activities

Assistant Editor at Higher Education Forum
Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Students, UK

Interview media

Featured in Times Higher Education article “Student engagement: how do the US, Europe and Japan compare?”, January 7th, 2020
Featured in Study International article “Why are international graduates so keen on jobs in Japan?”, November 11th, 2019
Brotherhood, T., Hammond, C. D., Kim, Y. “Are junior international faculty being used as a fig leaf?”, University World News, September 7th, 2019.
Featured in Study International article “International students in Japan are fulfilling ‘tokenistic roles’ – study”, August 7th, 2019
Featured in Times Higher Education article “Foreign academics in Japan ‘marginalised’ and ‘disillusioned’”, August 5th, 2019
Featured on the FreshEd Podcast #164 with Dr. Will Brehm
Brotherhood, T. “Japan: A new home for student migrants?”, Inside Higher Ed, November 18th, 2018.
