
Ph.D. (Human Science) Osaka University

NAKAHARA JunProfessor

Ph.D. (Human Science) Osaka University

Our research themes are human resource development (human resource development) and organizational development (organization development). The main research themes are learning and proficiency of people in the workplace, organizational adaptation of young workers, and training of leaders and managers.
Recently, research on long working hours, research on the ideal way of working for everyone including women, research on human resource development of small and medium-sized enterprises, research on job change, research on measurement of unconscious bias, research on management at the time of corporate merger Is being jointly researched with companies.
In graduate school education, we have produced 20 master's degree holders and 10 doctoral degree holders from our laboratory as our main academic advisors. In undergraduate education, we run a seminar of 20 students in each grade, for a total of 60 students. We are looking for students who want to acquire expertise in human resources management, human resources development, and organizational development.

Specialized field

Human resources development, organizational development, leadership development, team development, human resources management

Current Position

Department of Business
Graduate School of Business, Master in Business Program (LDC Course Chief) 
Graduate School of Business, Doctoral Program in Business (Presided by Graduate School Nakahara Seminar)

Educational background

Faculty of Education, University of Tokyo, Bachelor of Education (Education)
Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, M.A. (Human Science)
Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Ph.D (Human Science)

Major Research Achievements

Workplace Identity Profiles: Associations with Personality Traits and Work Adaptation of Young Japanese Adults. Hatano, K., Hihara, S., Ikeda, M., Nakahara, J., Tanaka, S. and Sugimura, K.(2023) Journal of Adult Development. Published online 22 December 2022
Validation of the Japanese Version of the Revised Version of the Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC-12R). Ikeda, M., Hatano, K., Tanaka, S. and Nakahara, J,(2023) Frontiers in Psychology. Doi: XX

Award Funding

Japan Human Resources Department HR Award 2020 Book Category Excellence Award (Single, 2019: "Introduction to Survey Foodback") Japan Society for Educational Technology Paper Award (Co-author, 2020)
Japan Human Resources Department HR Award 2019 Book Category Best Award (Co-author) , 2019: "Exploration of Organizational Development") Japanese Academy Of Human Resource Development Paper Award (Co-author, 2017)
JAPAN SOCIETY OF APPLIED BUSINESS STUDIES Research Encouragement Award (Co-author, 2016)
Human Resource Department HR Award 2012 Book Category Special Award (Single, 2010: " Workplace Learning Theory ")
The Japan Society for Science Education Paper Award (co-authored, 2006)
Japan Society for Educational Technology Paper Award (co-authored, 2005)
Japan Society for Educational Technology Paper Award (co-authored, 2002)

Professional Activities

Director of Katariba, a certified non-profit organization
Deputy Representative Director of Educe Technologies, a specified non-profit organization
Management Learning Laboratory Director
Former Central Council for Education Temporary Committee Member (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 2020-2022)

Interview media

Nihon Keizai Shimbun “Economic Class" Conditions for correcting long working hours: Transparent work, time, and communication (March 20, 2020, morning edition)
33 worries, 33 answers. --Hobonichi Itoi Shimbun
The Asahi Shimbun The work that Jun Nakahara talks about
Jun Nakahara Laboratory Rikkyo University
Yahoo News Personal Page Jun Nakahara
Jun Nakahara Twitter
Jun Nakahara Seminar (Seminar Official) College of Business Rikkyo University


Jun Nakahara (2021) Supplementary Revised Edition Management Learning Theory. University of Tokyo Press

Jun Nakahara and Emi Yasuda (2021) Human resource development for small and medium-sized enterprises. University of Tokyo Press

Jun Nakahara (2021) New Edition Workplace Learning Theory, University of Tokyo Press

Jun Nakahara (2017) Human Resources Development Research Encyclopedia, University of Tokyo Press

Jun Nakahara and Kazuhiko Nakamura (2018) Exploration of organizational development. Diamond

Jun Nakahara (2023) Consulting of Human Resouce Development and Oranization Development. Diamond, Inc

Jun Nakahara (2020) Introduction to Survey Feedback. PHP Institute
