
Ph.D. (Business Administration) Keio University

ISHIKAWA JunProfessor

Ph.D. (Business Administration) Keio University

I am doing research on leadership and diversity. People with different values and ways of thinking come together to study what is needed to overcome conflicts caused by mutual differences and produce more creative results. Especially in a highly diverse group, we are trying to clarify what each member needs to demonstrate leadership that leverages his or her strengths.

Specialized field

Leadership theory, organizational behavior theory, human resources management theory

Current Position

Department of Business
Graduate School of Business, Master in Business Program
Graduate School of Business, Doctoral Program in Business

Educational background

Graduated from the Faculty of Law,Keio University
Completed the master's and doctoral programs at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University

Major Research Achievements

Changing Facets of Leadership in East Asia: Globalization, Innovation and Creativity in Japan, South Korea and China. Asia Pacific Business Review, 25 (2) 161 – 172, 2019.
Formal voice mechanisms and portfolio career workers' prosocial voice in Japan and Korea : the mediating role of managers' issue-related leadership activities. Asia Pacific Business Review, 25 (2) 194 – 226, 2019.
Yukiko Murakami ed. “Development and management of global R & D human resources” “Chapter 7" Relationship between R & D Team Diversity and Creative Achievements” Chuo Keizaisha, 2019
Leadership, design process, and team performance: A comparison between the Japanese and Australian R & D teams. Journal of Developing Areas, 49 (6) 489 – 496, 2015.
Transformational Leadership in Japanese R & D teams: Team Efficacy, Norm for Maintaining a Consensus, Communication, and Team Performance. Rikkyo Business Review 8, 61 – 73, 2015.

Award Funding

1997 Research Encouragement Award,The Japan Society of Human Resource Management (JSHRM)
Pan-Pacific Conference XXVⅢ Outstanding Paper Award
2014 Pan-Pacific Conference XXXI Outstanding Paper Award
April 2014 --March 2019 “Study on Global Business Leadership Theory and Educational Techniques” Private University Strategic Research Infrastructure Formation Support Project, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
April 2012 --March 2017“ Innovation through International Movement of Human Resources in Multinational Companies ”Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Professional Activities

Permanent Director , Japanese Academy Of Human Resource Development
Editorial committee Member , Journal of Japanese Academy Of Human Resource Development “Human Resources Development Research”

Director of the The Japan Society of Human Resource Management (JSHRM)
Senior Editor , Journal of the Academic Association for Organizational Science "Organizational Science"
International editor, Journal of the Asia Pacific Business Review Magazine

Interview media

Opposition 34 "Turn into the strongest team-From vertical and octopus traps to shared leadership" Yomiuri Education Network
"What is shared leadership for middle-aged and older people?" Role creation project
“The era of" charismatic bosses as role models "is over.” ”Nikkei ARIA October issue
“An Organization that survives in the VUCA era and becomes a leader ”Nikkei ARIA November issue
“The key to organizational activity and the three pillars that foster the leadership of subordinates” Nikkei ARIA December issue


"Shared Leadership: The influence of the entire team strengthens the workplace" Chuokeizai-sha, 2016