DAVIS, Scott

Ph.D. (Business Administration) Rikkyo University

DAVIS, ScottProfessor

Ph.D. (Business Administration) Rikkyo University

Research interest concerns the theory and practice of social value creation through business strategy. Specifically, exploring the strategic role of transformative innovation and the restructuring of social relationships in the formation and development of business models that enable the integrated and sustainable creation of both social and economic value.

Specialized field

Business Strategy Theory, Social Value Creation (CSR, CSV), Management Theory, Business Model Transformation

Current Position

Department of Global Business
Graduate School of Business, Master in International Business Program
Graduate School of Business, Doctoral Program in Business

Educational background

Rikkyo University, Graduate School of Applied Sociology, Doctoral Degree Program
University of New South Wales, Graduate School of Sociology & Anthropology, Doctoral Degree Program
University of New South Wales, Faculty of Sociology, B.A. (First Class, First Degree Honours)

Major Research Achievements

Davis, S. T. Suzuki, S., & Sasaki, H. (2021). Responsible Business in a Changing Japan. In S. O. Idowu & M. T. Idowu (Eds.), Global CSR Practices. Heidelberg: Springer.
Davis, S. T., Suzuki, S., & Sasaki, H. (2019). Systems, Scales & Stakeholders: A Framework for Designing Business Ecosystems. Journal of Information and Management, 39 (2), 15-31.
Davis, S. T. (2017). Solutions or Legitimations? How the Conceptualization of Organizational Identity Shapes the Social Relevance of CSR Initiatives in Two Japanese Corporations. In S. Vertigans et.al. (Eds.), Stages of Corporate Social Responsibility: From Ideas to Impacts (pp. 67-98) ). Heidelberg: Springer.
Davis, S. T. (2016). From Insularity to Integration: The Reformulation of Socially Responsible Business in Japan. In SO Idowu (Ed.), Key Initiatives in Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 279-302). Switzerland: Springer.
Davis, S. T. (2014). Re-conceptualizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Japan. In KCP Low et.al. (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia (pp. 35-64). Heidelberg: Springer.

Award Funding

University of Cambridge, Programme for Sustainability Leadership, Top 40 Sustainability Books 2010.
Outstanding Reference Book Award of the Year (2016) American Library Association (ALA) in Boston, Mass, USA.

Professional Activities

<Contributions to the Academic Community>

Ochanomizu University, Management Council Member
Global Corporate Governance Institute, Academic Advisory Committee Member
International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility (Springer) Editorial Committee Member
Fujitsu JAIMS (United States: Nonprofit Education and Research Corporation) ) Trustee

<Contributions to the Business Community>

Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd., Member of the Board of Directors (2004-2006)
Seven & I Holdings, Member of the Board of Directors (2005-2018)
Nissen Holdings, Statutory Auditor and Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee (2006-2016 )
Bridgestone Corporation, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Nomination Committee Chairman, Member of the Executive Compensation Committee, Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee, Member of the Compliance Committee.
SOMPO Holdings Corporation, Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Member of the Executive Compensation Committee.
Ajinomoto Corporation, Chairman of the Sustainability Advisory Council.

Interview media

Interview: "Bridgestone's Corporate Governance" Sustainability Report 2019-2020
Japan Business Federation "Corporate Behavior Charter Symposium" Keidanren Times January 2018
Japan Business Federation "Japan's CSR Status and Future Challenges" Keidanren Times July 2017
Interview: “Growing Together” to demonstrate “value creation power” Sumitomo Corporation 2011 CSR / Sustainability Report
Interview: “Thinking about CSR of Toshifumi Suzuki x Scott Davis Seven & i Group” 2010 Year


Davis, S. T. (2010). Strategic CSR in the Japanese Context: From Business Risk to Market Creation. In C. Louche, S. O. Idowu, & W. L. Filho (Eds.), Innovative CSR: From Risk Management to Value Creation (pp. 374-397). Oxford: Routledge.

Davis, S. T. (2016). From Insularity to Integration: The Reformulation of Socially Responsible Business in Japan. In S. O. Idowu (Ed.), Key Initiatives in Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 279-302). Switzerland: Springer.